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Fresh Dill & Thin Radish Salad


Fresh herbs are a fantastic addition to salads. For milder-tasting herbs like dill, use a generous amount and chop into large, feathery pieces. Then mix into your greens for a refreshing, herbaceous burst of flavor. Serve this salad from a pretty bowl or, for a more dramatic effect, double the recipe and place on a large platter as a bed for a whole fillet of roasted salmon. Drizzle with a lemony dressing and garnish with a swirl of tzatizki. Serve with pita bread or basmati rice.

Fresh Dill & Thin Radish Salad

Serves 4

1 medium shallot, peeled and sliced

3 tablespoons olive oil

Dash of salt

2 romaine hearts, chopped

½ ounce fresh dill (about ½ loosely-packed cup)

8 radishes, thinly sliced

First, make the crispy shallots. Warm olive oil in a heavy skillet over medium heat. Add the shallots along with a dash of salt. Saute, stirring often, until brown and crispy. Transfer to paper towel-lined plate to cool.

Toss the romaine and dill in a bowl or on a platter. Arrange radish slices on top. Garnish with the cooled shallots.

Serve with your choice of dressing.

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